Linguistic Landscape: Explore English in Public Space (Zyklus 2 und 3)

Z2 Lehrpersonen Zyklus 2Z3 Lehrpersonen Zyklus 3


Mi.11.09.202413:30-17:30 Uhr
Mi.11.09.202413:30-17:30 Uhr
Reduzierte Kosten Die subventionierten Kosten gelten für alle Lehrpersonen der Volksschule sowie für alle Gymnasiallehrpersonen des Kantons Luzern.
(nach Abzug Subventionierung)
Fr. 60.00
Fr. 60.00
Vollkosten Die Vollkosten gelten für alle auswärtigen Lehrpersonen wie auch gesamtschweizerisch für alle Berufsfachschullehrpersonen.
Fr. 92.00
Fr. 92.00
Kursdauer (Stunden)
Es hat noch freie Plätze, die Durchführung ist noch offen
Es hat noch freie Plätze, die Durchführung ist noch offen


Linguistic landscape (LL) explores and investigates visible signs (writing, images, sounds or objects) in public spaces and raises questions about language use, language policy in different countries and spaces, and the users of the space. Although LL has been widely investigated in sociolinguistics, the use of LL in language learning and in the wider educational context has only become relevant in recent years. The aim of the course is to introduce participants to LL and to enable them to plan and implement their own LL projects in the English classroom. As part of the course, participants will take part in a walking tour in the city and discover the LL of Lucerne. They will then develop a small LL project or teaching units in groups to find answers to the following questions: What do you need to pay particular attention to when planning and implementing a LL project with pupils at primary or secondary level? How can the photos of LL be analysed and used to promote language skills and language awareness? The training will show new ways in which the LL of urban spaces can gain in importance as educational content to explore English in public spaces.


Anmeldungen werden nach Eingangsdatum berücksichtigt.

